来源: | 作者:榆林康隆国铁物流 | 发布时间: 2022-02-21 | 735 次浏览 | 分享到:
We help national, regional, and local authorities worldwide develop clear roadmaps focusing on governance structures, the welfare of people and communities, and the remediation and repurposing of former mining lands and coal-fired power plants.







世界银行在支持煤矿和发电厂关闭的国家拥有数十年的经验,无论它们处于转型过程中的哪个阶段。这包括研究煤炭资产(如采矿、运输和发电厂)的退役与开发可再生能源计划以取代它们之间的相互依赖关系。自 1995 年以来,我们已提供超过 30 亿美元来支持煤炭转型。








我们的方法以及指导它的经验教训围绕三个重点领域进行组织:1) 治理,2) 人和社区,以及 3) 重新利用以前的采矿用地和其他资产。





Transitioning countries away from coal—the world's most dominant and most carbon-intensive source of energy—is crucial to ensuring a clean energy future. 


A well-managed retirement of coal power plants and a massive scale-up in clean energy are essential to achieving the Sustainable Development Goals and the targets of the Paris Agreement.


A "Just Transition for All" initiative puts people and communities at the center of the transition. The initiative works with stakeholders to create the plans, policies, and reforms needed to mitigate environmental impacts, support impacted people, and build a new clean energy future.


The World Bank has decades of experience supporting countries where coal mines and power plants are closing, wherever they are in the transition process. This includes looking at the interdependencies between the decommissioning of coal assets—such as mining, transport, and power plants—and developing renewable energy programs to take their place. Since 1995, we have provided more than $3 billion to support coal transitions.


The World Bank has built an approach based on lessons learned from decades of transition experience.


We help national, regional, and local authorities worldwide develop clear roadmaps focusing on governance structures, the welfare of people and communities, and the remediation and repurposing of former mining lands and coal-fired power plants.


In every region—from the world's largest coal producers and consumers to the smallest—we help governments learn, plan, and implement Just Transition for All principles and practices that put people and the environment at the center of the transition away from coal.


Our approach, and the lessons that guided it, are organized around three focus areas: 1) governance, 2) people and communities, and 3) repurposing of former mining land and other assets.


Each focus area involves a set of plans, policies, and actions that together can mitigate the impact of coal mine closure on affected people and communities. Active stakeholder engagement at each phase of transition and within each focus area is crucial.


With proper planning and strong private sector engagement, a Just Transition for All can help coal regions build a new, low-carbon economic future.